For many decades, exterior industrial lighting was provided by High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps powered by measurably inefficient transformers and ballasts. LED solutions have been around for quite some time, but it wasn’t until recently that LED became affordable enough to implement in a large-scale. Utility providers and local government entities that own and maintain public roadway lighting and area lighting have been able to introduce LED solutions, by way of retrofit or fixture replacement, in many areas throughout the country. L&S has partnered with a variety of utility providers and local government officials to provide regional street light LED conversions, large-scale facility exterior lighting upgrades, new residential development street light pole installations, and an extensive variety of exterior fixture replacements.
With our crane and digger truck operators on-site, L&S is able to remove and replace concrete bases, trench and bore for new runs of conduit, and hoist and set new high-mast poles in a safe and cost-effective manner. In addition to setting and/or relocating light poles, electricians at L&S have replaced thousands of cobra head roadway fixtures with an LED equivalent across the east coast of Florida.